From „Wienerwald to Bregenzerwald“. #MarkusOntheway

 If you want to feel good, hike on a mountain.

Or, as my friends in Damüls say: 
"Es lohnt sich immer auf einen Berg zu gehen"

I did this when I was a kid. Spent the summers in Bregenzerwald.
And since a few years, the enthusiasm is back. Hiking around, walking through the nature, feel how small we are ( and even with 6,6 foot high you can feel how small you are…🙃)
  And when I spent that night up there last June, the  idea was finally planted to do more then one mountain hike here and there: 
  ...walk for a summer... 
and so I do now. 
It will end mid September on Raggazer Blanken , and it will start in Vienna Forest on July, 2nd.

So, if you want to join the trip, follow me and enjoy.

And the plan is made ... check it out here :

Day 1  20220701 Deep dive into Vienna Forest 
Stay tuned... the plan was to write every day ... 
Now about Two years passed since the trek of my life, guess time to write something down finally.
So... lets indeed start with day 1. Or day Zero
Spent a full day long train ride from Trier to Vienna and another bus into the Vienna forest to sleep my first night in the little village "Wienerwald ".
A smal bed and breakfast was the place with a super fantastic first breakfast tovstart day 1:
Full of energy and a huge respect to the journey that started just now, made the first kilometers into the woods like flying out into the universe. No words to describe my emotions... incredible fantastic maybe...
The roads got smallerquiet soon and I ended on small pathes between trees and bushes.
Luckily, cause the blue sky sunshine raised the air temperature to nearly 30°C even in the old trees shadows.
The Vienna forrest is maintained carefully, recognised since a few hundred years from the Vienna folks as a multi functional source: 
Most important is that a huge channel network in the whole forest delivers very high quality fresh water for the whole region. People enjoy their free time in the region. The wood is carefully used and the region has more trees then ever before. Wild life is ensured and hunting is a popular activity for the aristocrats since the middle age.
Over the day I passed trough a few villages and Klosters and finally reached my first mountain peak, or maybe better called a highest point. But it gave a first of many wide views into the region I will hike trough the next days.
But my destination for the day was behind the valley that I had below my fet, so a first downhill hike, and a next uphill exercise to reach the ....hut .   I had informationnit would be closed, so I made a detour to pick fresh water from a Quelle.
Finally I reached the hut, hitchhiking lastvthree km's withc guy searching his dogs.
 indeed no rooms or food available, but a nice fellow living in the hut offered to sell a beer 😀
Anyhow ablue sky asked for a  first night under the stars. And it was ultra marvellous.
As it was the highest point around a 360 view back to Vienna and into the woods all around was stealing my breath away.
It was a long hike on a hot day, but the views stopped me from sleeping verykate into the evening.

Day 2  20220702 into the woods and first reaching 1000m above sealevel
The raising sun woke me up, or better say the birds all around that sung into another blue sky day.
Fresh tea and some breakfast talk with the hut owner kicked the day and I started hike No2
Not yet realising that it will be a real hot day... inbetween I decided to get of trail but use a forrest road... mistake as it brought me out of the shadows, so I made a bit mor speed, but basically barbecued myself ... 
I reached the ... hut just a little begore they close for the day, and luckily got still agood meal, and lots of Apfelschorle and beer.
They would have offered a shelter for the night, but the day was still young so I moved on to find a nice place under the stars again.


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